Conservation Initiatives and Plans

Bird conservation initiatives and plans have been developed for many bird groups at multiple scales. The Atlantic Coast Joint Venture is working on delivering habitat objectives consistent with these international, continental and regional plans. International and continental plans are followed by any regional step-down plans and working groups in the ACJV area.


National and Regional Planning

Bird conservation initiatives and plans have been developed for many bird groups at multiple scales. The ACJV is working on delivering habitat objectives consistent with these international, continental and regional plans. International and continental plans are followed by any regional step-down plans and working groups in the ACJV area.


Bird Conservation Regions

BCRs are regions that encompass landscapes having similar bird communities, habitats, and resource issues. They are the fundamental biological units through which NABCI will deliver landscape-scale bird conservation, including evaluation, planning, and in many instances, implementation.


Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Waterfowl Implementation Plan

The plan presents habitat conservation goals and population indices for the ACJV consistent with the NAWMP update, provides current status assessments for waterfowl and their habitats in the joint venture, and updates focus area narratives and maps for each state.

Northern Bobwhite - Tom Grey

Species Focuses Plans

Many individual species have conservation plans that lay the foundation for conservation and protection of these natural resources and their habitats.