ACJV staff old and new came together to celebrate the extraordinary career of Craig this past September.
ACJV Says Farewell to Craig Watson
We said a bittersweet farewell to Craig Watson, the long-time ACJV South Atlantic Coordinator, in September. Craig is now off to begin his full time adventures as a professional birdmobile driver and eBirder extraordinaire. Craig served the Joint Venture for a whopping 25 years! During this time, he developed partnerships, helped to secure funding and resources, and set up critical conservation programs, like the South Atlantic Migratory Bird Initiative (SAMBI), that protected and restored tens of thousands of new acres of habitat in the South Atlantic. He should feel very proud about his contributions to bird conservation and the enduring conservation legacy he leaves behind! We miss him already but are enjoying keeping up with his adventures on social media.
ACJV Welcomes New South Atlantic Coordinator

Craig Faulhaber, ACJV South Atlantic Assistant Coordinator
In January 2023, the Joint Venture welcomed another great member to our team – Craig Faulhaber – as our new South Atlantic Coordinator. His primary activities include working with partners to conserve high priority bird species – with particular emphasis on the Black Rail – in the South Atlantic region. Craig will also be assisting partners with USFWS grant programs (e.g., NAWCA and National Coastal Wetlands Conservation grants). Before joining the ACJV, Craig spent 14 years with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, where he worked with partners on conservation actions and policy development for birds and other imperiled species. In this role, Craig was active on the ACJV Technical Committee and Black Rail Working Group. He received a Master’s degree in Wildlife Science from Texas A&M University and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Wittenberg University. We are so excited to have Craig on board! Please send him a welcome message at craig_faulhaber@fws.gov.