The Joint Northeast/Southeast Partners in Flight conference was October 6-9 in Virginia Beach and provided a valuable forum for bird conservationists, managers, and researchers across the Eastern U.S. to gather in person, share information, and develop collaborative strategies for addressing high priority threats. The conference was attended by over 150 people, representing almost 60 different organizations and coming from 25 states and Ontario. A major focus of the conference was advancing the Partners in Flight conservation business plans covering the Eastern U.S. by developing strategies and solutions to high priority threats to migratory birds during the breeding and migration period. These strategies will be added to those already developed for the wintering grounds to complete full-life cycle business plans for 3 linked geographies between Eastern U.S. and the Caribbean and Latin America. The conference also hosted working group meetings for numerous high priority birds in the Northeast, including Golden-winged Warbler, Wood Thrush, tidal marsh birds, Black Rail, and Bobolink. An afternoon of contributed oral papers on science, monitoring, and implementation projects completed the conference.
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