Coordination and Structure
The ACJV is supported by five staff members that coordinate the work of the partnership, including grants, projects, technical committees, outreach and communications that advance ACJV priorities.
The ACJV is governed by a Management Board,comprised of key representatives from the organizations that form its core partnership. The Management Board provides overall leadership, guidance, resources, and support to partners to ensure that our Joint Venture reaches its bird and habitat conservation goals.
The ACJV Technical Committee serves as a technical advisory body to the ACJV partnership. The primary role of the Technical Committee is to help create strategies, plans, and other science-based tools to advance our bird conservation efforts. Technical Committee members are comprised of the technical staff of the Management Board entities.
The Technical Committee accomplishes its work through three species-based Working Groups, which focus specifically on planning, monitoring, research and implementation for our three flagship species. Working Group members include formal Technical Committee representatives as well as additional species and habitat experts not represented on the Technical Committee.
Our Technical Committee and Working Groups include scientists, land managers, biologists, and other experts in migratory bird science and conservation. They represent universities, federal agencies, state fish and wildlife agencies, and non-governmental organizations.