NAWCA & Coastal Grant Update
Coastal habitat in Delaware. Photo courtesy of Kevin Kalasz Twenty-three North American Wetland Conservation Act grants and eleven National Coastal Wetland Conservation Grants were awarded in the ACJV in fiscal year 2015. Partners [...]
Long-time ACJV Management Board Memeber Wayne MacCallum Retires
Wayne MacCallum, Director of Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, retired in February. Wayne served on the ACJV Management Board since it's inception in 1988 and has been a strong advocate for the North American [...]
South Carolina DNR Employee Helps Barn Owls Thrive
Mark Spinks, a natural resource technician with the SCDNR Coastal Seabird and Shorebird Program, builds barn owl nests to attract the species to the area. Photo courtesy of SCDNR Because one S.C. Department [...]
Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring: Ready, Set, Go!
Great Blue Heron are just one of many species that benefit from the IWMM program. Photo courtesy of William Majoros Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring (IWMM) is a unique approach designed to help [...]
Life on the Rail
Black Rail is the smallest and rarest of the North American rails. Photo courtesy of Mike Legare/USFWS The Black Rail is the smallest and rarest of the North American rails. This elusive species [...]
Successful Nesting Season in South Carolina!
South Carolina Department of Natural resources is celebrating a successful nesting season for seabirds and shorebirds. The beaches that are critical for these nesting seabirds are also places were people enjoy recreational activities. To allow [...]