Research Project to Evaluate the Drivers of Bird-Window Collisions in North America
Birds face many threats related to humans, including predation by petcats, and collisions with buildings, towers and automobiles. Experts estimate that the greatest source of mortality in human-dominated landscapes is bird-window collisions (BWCs). Sheet glass [...]
Swallow-tailed Kite Alliance Meets-Discusses Population Monitoring and Management Guidelines
The Swallow-tailed Kite (STKI) Alliance met in mid-September to discuss priorities for management and conservation of STKIs and the tentative results of a recent range-wide survey in the United States. Topics discussed included: habitat modeling; [...]
Joint Northeast/Southeast Partners in Flight Meeting
The Joint Northeast/Southeast Partners in Flight conference was October 6-9 in Virginia Beach and provided a valuable forum for bird conservationists, managers, and researchers across the Eastern U.S. to gather in person, share information, and [...]
Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation Initiative
Atlantic Flyway shorebird species have experienced declines of between 50 percent and 90 percent within the last three decades, an alarming trend that requires the continuation of current conservation actions and an immediate response for [...]
Six North American Waterfowl Conservation Act Grants Recommended for Approval in the ACJV
The North American Wetlands Conservation Council recommended funding six ACJV project in four states. If funded, partners in Delaware, Maine, Maryland, and South Carolina will receive nearly $5 million dollars in grant funds with close [...]
ACJV Partners Receive 2014 North American Migratory Bird Joint Venture Conservation Champions Award
The Maine Wetlands Protection Coalition and the South Carolina Working Group of the South Atlantic Migratory Bird Initiative received the 2014 North American Migratory Bird Joint Venture Conservation Champions Award. The organizations are recognized for [...]