Black Rail Accomplishments 2020
Black Rail Conservation Plan The ACJV published the Black Rail Conservation Plan in July 2020. This is the first ever comprehensive plan to conserve Black Rails. The plan lays out six priority strategies needed to [...]
Funding Accomplishments
The goal of Joint Venture planning efforts is to inform and catalyze conservation on the ground. With our partners, we are actively pursuing opportunities to accelerate implementation projects that address the highest priority plan objectives [...]
Saltmarsh Sparrow Accomplishments 2020
Saltmarsh Sparrow Plan The ACJV published its Saltmarsh Sparrow Conservation Plan in September 2020. This plan builds upon the strategies developed in the Salt Marsh Bird Conservation Plan. Nearly all of the strategies from that [...]
American Black Duck Accomplishments 2020
American Black Duck Conservation Plan The American Black Duck was once the most abundant dabbling duck in eastern North America. Black duck populations began declining steadily in the 1950s and reached an all-time low by [...]
Eastern Shore of Virginia Sees Largest Land Protection in a Generation
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources is working with partners to permanently protect 8,884 acres of land--the largest privately-held land holding--on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The Delmarva Peninsula is a hemispherically-significant region that supports [...]
The Year in Review: Looking Back on 2020
From the Coordinator ACJV Coordinator, Aimee Weldon The last year has been full of challenges for everyone, both personally and professionally. We have had to learn new ways to teach our children, buy [...]