Saltmarsh Conservation Business Plan Update
At the 2014 Northeast & Southeast Partners in Flight meeting in Virginia Beach, a group of partners from the Atlantic and Gulf coast began to develop a conservation business plan (CBP) for tidal marsh birds. [...]
Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program Helps Advance ACJV Agenda
Last summer, for the third year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in partnership with the Student Conservation Association (SCA), offered 59 fellowship opportunities nationwide, to students enrolled or accepted in undergraduate or graduate degree [...]
Grants in the ACJV
In FY17, grants awarded to the ACJV contributed to the ACJV’s new focus on conservation of coastal marshes and three flagship species: American Black Duck, Black Rail, and Saltmarsh Sparrow. In FY17, 10 Standard North [...]
New Grant to Boost Habitat Delivery in Chesapeake Bay
While flying above the Atlantic Ocean, one of the members of the joint Atlantis-International Space Station crews took this photo of the Delmarva Peninsula from the orbiting complex on July 16, 2011. NASA [...]
New York Projects Receive ACJV GLRI Grants
Two projects in New York were awarded grants in Fiscal Year 2017, under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Joint Venture Habitat Restoration and Protection Program. Ducks Unlimited was awarded $193,934 for their “Loop Road [...]
NABCI Human Dimensions Fact Sheet
The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) developed a Human Dimensions information to explain the what, why, and how behind the human dimensions (HD) of bird conservation. It features a definition of HD, reasons for [...]