Species Focused Plans


National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative

The continuing serious decline of bobwhite populations across most of the species range was the impetus for large-scale coordinated, collaborative action at the regional level. The SEQSG now is the National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) expanded from the 16 Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) states to include 25 states across the bobwhite’s core range, and the jurisdictions of the Midwest, Northeastern and Western Associations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative

Woodcock on nest

North American Woodcock Management Plan, Update

The purpose of this Plan is to guide the conservation of woodcock in the United States. It describes ways in which the USFWS, state conservation agencies, other public agencies, and private organizations can work cooperatively in addressing problems, developing management programs, and otherwise assuring the future well-being of woodcock.

Woodcock Management Plan


Atlantic Brant

The purpose of this plan is to provide management goals, objectives, and strategies for Atlantic brant conservation. The Action Plan outlines steps necessary for appropriate brant management. The Hunt Plan documents goals and objectives for brant harvest and contains strategies to attain them. The Research Plan identifies information needed to improve the approaches outlined in the Action and Hunt Plans. The Plan also includes the data sets used to manage the Atlantic brant population and descriptions of past and present surveys used to monitor the population and its habitats.

Atlantic Brant Management Plan

Black Duck with Ducklings

Black Duck Joint Venture

The Atlantic Coast Joint Venture works closely with the Black Duck Joint Venture on a variety of projects such as estimating the carrying capacity of wintering habitat based on energetic studies, setting population objectives, and evaluating effects of restoration on habitat quality. The black duck has been a focal species for the ACJV for over 25 years, and many of our habitat conservation projects through federal grant programs (e.g., NAWCA grants) benefit American Black Duck throughout their annual cycle.

Black Duck Joint Venture Website

Reddish Egret

Reddish Egret

Despite its large range, the Reddish Egret occupies a restricted belt of coastal habitat, is patchily distributed and has a relatively small and declining global population. Accordingly there is broad agreement that the Reddish Egret is in need of our conservation effort. Using the “Open Standards Approach for Conservation Measures” the Reddish Egret Working Group presents a range-wide conceptual conservation model for this species that highlights and ranks the greatest threats to maintaining population stability and expanding the population, explores the underlying causes of those threats, and identifies key strategies to address them.

Reddish Egret Working Group