Learn about conservation and restoration activities led by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary that highlight the interactive nature of monitoring, tool development, and interventions to inform goal-based site management.
Dr. Joshua Moody is the Restoration Programs Manager at the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. In this role he plans and manages a variety of projects including the Delaware Estuary Living Shoreline Initiative (DELSI) as well as various efforts focused on tool and model development to inform restoration project design and coastal resiliency planning and prioritization efforts.
LeeAnn Haaf is the Wetland Coordinator at the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. LeeAnn coordinates PDE’s long-term wetland monitoring program to guide and inform on-the-ground interventions and resiliency planning efforts, and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at Drexel University.
Sarah Bouboulis is the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s Habitats Project Coordinator. Sarah coordinates PDE’s field-based restoration projects and works with local communities, businesses, and organizations to beautify their landscapes, manage polluted runoff, and engage their employees and neighbors.
Ella Rothermel is the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s Science Technical Analyst. Her primary duties in this role are to help collect, organize, interpret, analyze, and present the wide variety of data across PDE’s focal research areas, including wetland monitoring, shellfish restoration, and living shorelines initiatives.
Chat conversation for the webinar available here.