Flagship Update – American Black Duck
American Black Duck. Hal Trachtenberg Ducks Unlimited Secures Funds for Farm Bill Engineering Technician Ducks Unlimited (DU) was awarded an America the Beautiful Challenge Grant for $348,315 through NFWF to hire a [...]
A Look Back at 2022
Letter from the Coordinator What a year it has been! We have enjoyed the opportunity to meet face to face with our partners again - at meetings, conferences and in the marsh! This [...]
2022 Flagship Update – Saltmarsh Sparrow
Saltmarsh Sparrow survey efforts. Mo Correll Saltmarsh Sparrow Surveys Last summer, partners completed the second year of the 10-year resurvey effort for tidal marsh birds in coastal marshes from Maine to Virginia. [...]
Funding Accomplishments 2022
Several new or ongoing grants were secured to assist ACJV partner efforts to conserve land, implement restoration projects, and test promising management actions outlined in our conservation plans. For the third year in a [...]
The Year in Review: Looking Back on 2021
From the Coordinator Aimee Weldon, ACJV Coordinator As 2020 bled into 2021, it became clear that pandemic life - remote working, zoom meetings and the longest travel drought most of us have ever [...]
Webinar: From data to decision: Pathways for salt marsh conservation and restoration
Learn about conservation and restoration activities led by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary that highlight the interactive nature of monitoring, tool development, and interventions to inform goal-based site management. Presenters Dr. Joshua Moody is the Restoration Programs [...]