Annual Report 2018
This past year was productive for ACJV staff and partners. We are excited to share with you our accomplishments from 2018. Salt Marsh Bird Conservation Business Plan for the Atlantic Coast At a 2014 Partners [...]
NAWCA Projects in 2018
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture partners involved in the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants program had a very successful year in 2018. Eleven Standard grant projects were awarded $1 million dollars each in six [...]
Black Rail Mapping Projects
Impoundment and High Marsh Mapping Projects Will Help Identify New Black Rail Habitat Opportunities Close up of Black Rail habitat. Craig Watson Black Rails require specific habitat conditions that include very shallow water [...]
Black Rail Workshop
ACJV Workshop Charts a Path Forward for Black Rails Black Rail. Sergio Bitran In late October, partners from across the Joint Venture convened in Charleston, South Carolina, to begin developing the first components [...]
Black Rail Pilot Projects
BLRA Pilot Projects Black Rail. Bob Gress Hiding deep in the marsh, inaccessible to even the most dedicated birders and researchers, Black Rails have kept much of their ecology a secret for centuries. [...]
Black Rail Adaptive Management Project
Black Rail Adaptive Management Project The ACJV, in partnership with USGS, recently secured a 3-year grant to develop an Adaptive Management (AM) Framework for Black Rail. This project was born out of the urgent need [...]