Saltmarsh Sparrow Habitat Tool
Habitat Tool Prioritizes Saltmarsh Sparrow Habitat The ACJV has adopted a long-term population objective of sustaining 25,000 breeding Saltmarsh Sparrows. To achieve this objective, we must first identify where the highest-priority habitat exists to support [...]
Black Duck Decision Support Tool
Black Duck Decision Support Tool Helps Target Conservation Action The American Black Duck was once the most abundant dabbling duck in eastern North America. Black duck populations began declining steadily in the 1950s and reached [...]
Black Duck Priorities in Chesapeake Bay Strategic Plan
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Includes Black Duck Priorities in Chesapeake Bay Strategic Plan The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) partnered with the ACJV to identify restoration and enhancement priorities in the Chesapeake Bay [...]
Salt Marsh Bird Conservation Business Plan for the Atlantic Coast
Salt Marsh Bird Conservation Business Plan for the Atlantic Coast At a 2014 Partners in Flight meeting in Virginia Beach, a group of bird conservation partners from the Atlantic and Gulf coast began to develop [...]
Proposal to List Eastern Black Rail – Update
Eastern Black Rail Listing Update In October, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announced their proposal to list the Eastern Black Rail subspecies as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). After a review [...]
Species in the News
Saltmarsh Sparrow in the New York Times Saltmarsh Sparrows nest in high marsh grasses just above the mean high tide line. They have naturally adapted to occasional flooding events; eggs can survive short periods of [...]