South Carolina Bobwhite Initiative Takes Flight
Flight. Photo courtesy of SCBI For decades, South Carolina was a homestead for vibrant populations of bobwhite quail. Most baby boomers remember hearing the telltale whistle in rural patches of land and seeing [...]
Increased Coordination with the Black Duck Joint Venture and Chesapeake Bay Program
For several years Kirsten Luke and Tim Jones have used the research efforts by the Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV), Ducks Unlimited (DU), state agencies, and academic partners to understand the habitat use, energy budget, [...]
New Bird Education Curriculum: Birds Without Borders
Birds, education, and cutting edge technology come together in the new book, “Birds Without Borders: Investigating Populations, Habitats and Conservation of Birds in the U.S. and Abroad.” “’Birds Without Borders’ provides core content knowledge on [...]
Saltmarsh Conservation Workshop
ACJV staff and Partners conducted a Saltmarsh Conservation Workshop, Sunday July 19 in Albany, New York in conjunction with the annual summer ACJV and Atlantic Flyway meetings. The intent of the workshop was to compile [...]
Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring Has News!
Reddish Egret The Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring (IWMM) is a landscape level conservation program that aims to enable managers and decision-makers to ensure that nonbreeding waterbirds have the right habitat, in the [...]
Atlantic and Great Lakes Sea Duck Migration Study
The Sea Duck Joint Venture (SDJV) launched an ambitious, large-scale satellite telemetry study of sea ducks in the Atlantic Flyway in 2009, with more than 300 transmitters deployed so far by study partners. Target species [...]