Coordinated Conservation for Saltmarsh Sparrow
Setting a Population Objective for Saltmarsh Sparrow Drives Coordinated Conservation For each of our flagship species, we aim to create population objectives tied to habitat objectives. Having such objectives makes it easier for partners to [...]
ACJV Releases Black Duck Decision Support Tool
The ACJV and partners (Black Duck Joint Venture [BDJV], Ducks Unlimited [DU] and University of Massachusetts) with funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust recently completed a Decision Support Tool (DST) to help guide conservation efforts [...]
Tackling an Increasing Workload
ACJV Boosts Staff Capacity with USFWS Fellows Over the summer of 2016, the ACJV took advantage of the relatively new “Directorate Fellows Program” (DFP), which offers students a paid internship with the USFWS for [...]
Supporting Black Duck in the Chesapeake Bay
Working with Ducks Unlimited, the Black Duck Joint Venture, universities, and state wildlife agencies, the ACJV has mapped the best places to protect, restore, and enhance habitat to support Black Duck population goals in [...]
Saltmarsh Habitat & Avian Research Program Update
Did you know that the only endemic breeding bird species (i.e., found nowhere else on earth!) in the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture has declined by 9% per year for more than a decade? Find out [...]
Accomplishments Through Grant Programs
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Grant The NAWCA grant program awarded more than $12.3M in funds to ACJV partners this year. Those awards will conserve about 55,000 acres of habitat throughout the Atlantic [...]